Texas reminds me life is beautiful 

So after last night I woke up feeling better, except with a mixture of feelings of embarrassment and being ashamed.  

BUT on a positive note, I woke up and literally smelled the flowers. Why does Texas have such beautiful wild flowers?  We lack many beautiful land features (like a beach that’s worth anything), but we’re never short of flowers during the spring. I absolutely love it.It really reminds me how small I truly am in this world. A very humbling feeling.  Long live the blue bonnets and ¡Viva Tejas! 


May your Sunday morning be as beautiful as mine,


The Universe’s Gift

First let me start off by saying that the amount of people that visited my first blog entry was incredible! And receiving any likes or comments surpassed my expectations and made me more excited for my newly started blogging journey. -Thank you for the encouragement

Second, let’s get started with my second blog entry! I had been popping around in some people’s blogs reading their entries, and I came across a beautiful poem, I later found out that her father had written it for her in response to a poem she had written prior. This is what inspired this blog entry;

I’ve never had an awesome relationship with my dad. In fact, I don’t really have much of a relationship with him at all. He was in and out of prison majority of my life… actually that’s an exaggeration now at 22 years old. But for a 12 year old kid, 8 1/2+ years did feel like the majority of my life. So when I read this beautiful poem I couldn’t help but feel a wave of envy roll over me.  Every word in that poem evoked a feeling of love. And that’s a love I’ll never know or experience. Although I stayed rock-hard strong about the whole situation while growing up, I’d say the last 4, 5 years of my life, it has began to take a toll on me. I didn’t realize how real daddy issues truly were until this year. I think this moment hit me hardest when I listened to John Mayer’s song, Daughters on repeat for a good 4 hours while crying. The lyrics: “Oh, you see that skin?
It’s the same she’s been standing in
Since the day she saw him walking away
Now she’s left
Cleaning up the mess he made” hit me harder than I’d ever been hit before. Did I really have daddy issues, was I one of those girls? The guilt crept over me. I didn’t want to accept the fact that the lack of a father figure in my life truly did play a part in who I became, and the woman I am today. But through this self-struggle, after that period of not being comfortable with myself, I found something else out. Yes his actions did affect me, and yes  I did have to accept them and be ashamed of who I was, but I turned out to be one bad a** person!! I have a heart of gold, though I know how to keep it guarded. It made me a smarter kid, I learned to fend for myself earlier in life than most. And most importantly, it made me look forward to having my own family more than anything in life. I always make sure to look for the qualities of a good father in any man I date. Its a dream of mine to raise a kid, and them have a loving father, much like the fellow blogger who’s post I read.

So- To my father, thank you for making me uncomfortable and uneasy with myself, you made  me evolve much  faster and smarter. I am a stronger woman because of you. And to my fellow blogger, thank you for sharing that piece. Cherish your father, appreciate and love him. A DAD is something to hold onto forever. He was personally chosen for you, and given to you as a gift from the the universe.

Here is the link to the original poem: Original Poem

Much Love, Tate


When Hell Froze Over… [intro]

You know those things that you always say you’re going to do? But instead you just think about it, and then think about it again, and then a few months have gone by, maybe even years and BAM you realize you still have not done it. Well that’s me and blogging. I’m finally doing it so that’s why I think my feet are so cold right now… Hell must’ve frozen over. (Or my floor is just really cold, but i’m sticking with hell freezing because its dramatic and that’s what people like these days, right?) Anyways speaking of people, it was those creatures that kept me from ever starting the blog to begin with. Not because I cared what people thought, but because I knew the chances of someone reading anything I wrote was slim. I felt like it’d be weird to write and talk to others when I’m really talking to myself. *cue the kuku clock* You know what I’ve decided though, WHO CARES?! I mean I hope someone else in the world has that same concern… somewhere; but I also hope that they can move past that mental roadblock as well.

Other than this, I don’t have any social media anymore. I’m going through a lot of important milestones in life right now and I think its important to document them somewhere, somehow. If this blog becomes that place, then so be it. Majority of them are pretty interesting and relatable too, I think, so hopefully my posts won’t  be a bunch of snoozers. And if they are, that’s okay I’ll probably be the only one reading them anyways, remember? 🙂 Ahhhh, this is fun. I’m going to like this.


Sending good vibes your way,
